Bizlife Smarts

Uncommon sense
New Jobs – The Future of Work

New Jobs – The Future of Work

The new jobs of the future will look much different to what is standard today (bright statement Einstein 😊). I like the way that Yahoo Finance addressed the issue of job trends going into 2025. Notwithstanding that this is just next year, and the headline is clickbait. They didn’t just preach doom and gloom. Referencing World Economic Forum (WEF) research, they pointed out jobs and skills that will be on the rise, and in demand. So, whereas accountants and auditors, assembly line and machine workers, financial analysts, and postal service clerks will decline, big data analysts and scientists, project managers and strategic advisors, fintech engineers and logistics specialists will be on the rise.

What I like about this article, is that it is not all doom and gloom. As you read it, it gives you insight into the new skills that will be in demand. Analytical and critical thinking, creativity and initiative, leadership and social influence, resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility, and several more. Therefore, if you are not already having these conversations in your company leadership meetings, you will soon find yourself in firefighting mode.

What is a job?

New jobs

I believe it is instructive to begin with the definition of what a job is. Myriam-Webster’s dictionary defines “job” as ‘regular work you do to earn money’. Now, keep in mind that the origins of work date back to 1620, with its root in “piece of work” or “something to be done”. It was in 1858 that its interpretation evolved to “paid position of employment”. The root meaning of a job has always been work, but the context of that work has evolved over time. This evolution of new jobs, has always been in step with the evolution of societal needs and structures. Therefore, in this 21st century, the definition and actuality of new jobs will also evolve with our societal needs and structures.

The future of work and transforming jobs

New jobs_the future of work

Three forces are driving us towards the changing face of the job market. The first is the changing needs, desires, feelings and aspirations of the new generations. The other is artificial intelligence (AI). The third is evolutionary economic circumstances.

Evolving generations

Now, the young emerging generation places a greater premium on getting what they want from a job; now. As a result, trust has been broken between employers and employees, thus eroding loyalty. For them, a job isn’t a job, isn’t just a job!,of%20workers%2065%20and%20older. If they don’t see instant progression or monetary rewards, they will bolt. Then comes the issue of wanting the freedom to chase other pursuits. The new generation cannot simply be hemmed into a standard job box.

Emerging AI

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Not surprisingly, technical innovation is driving much of the evolution of the fabric of society. As a result, what has been touted by some as the greatest existential threat to man, is on our doorstep; A.I.! In order to avoid digressing, I won’t go into the pros and cons of A.I. Only suffice it to say that A.I. is a double-edged sword. Regardless of your view of it, it has particularly forced us to adapt how we work.

Although irresponsible use of A.I., in the form of deep fakes, fraud, illegal use of data, anti-diversity and a host of other manisfestations have stoked the fears, A.I. can also improve efficiencies, and make the world of work easier. And whether we like it or not, Gen Zs are going to use A.I. to make their own lives easier; deemed shortcuts, unethical or not. As the cliché goes, the change A.I. will bring is as inevitable as the launch of the cellphone, all those years ago.

Transformed economies

New jobs_world is changing

You know, I’m still trying to get my mind around all the dynamics, but 2020 and the COVID pandemic was a watershed for world economies. There has been no turning back. It knocked the fluff and fat out of all the puffed up companies, showing us who was real, and who were the pretenders.

Do you remember the pre-2020 heady days, when venture capitalists and private equity were throwing money at all manner of start-ups. It was like fueling that gas guzzler. You know that it’s simply not functional, but you keep doing so out of vanity. Well, the pandemic put a stop to all that nonsense! For a couple of years our lives were restricted. But more importantly, people were forced to seek introspective, almost isolated fulfillment. Alongside that, as revenue streams slowed to a trickle, companies had to cut the fat. Things never bounced back. Those couple of years changed people’s preferences and consumption habits.

So, as companies are forced to cut down to only that which feeds the bottom line, people’s jobs are also on the line. And then on top of all that, where A.I. and machine learning are options, they are replacing people.

Cup: half full, or half empty

So…is this a perfect storm?! More selective, less loyal employees; A.I. a threat to replace some jobs; and simply fewer traditional jobs, that people used to do? Well, it could be…if you aren’t the captain of your own ship. You need to take control; be you an organisation, or an employee/ skills seller. With a clear map forward, and a plan of where you are heading, the new jobs environment is manageable.

Despite all arguments to the contrary, there is definitely a difference between a cup half empty, and a cup half full. You can add a lot of flavour to a cup half full. However, a half empty cup is simply being drained, and loses flavour very quickly. Many would be wont to regard everything I’ve stated thus far to be ‘cup half empty’ talk. But let’s emphasize the very same facts from a ‘cup half full’ perspective.

Charting the waters of the new jobs perfect storm

Perfect storm_new jobs

There are ways to get through a perfect storm; but you need a plan, foresight…and a bit of luck on your side. But, first and foremost, have a plan and some foresight.

Make Gen Z and Gen Alpha your allies – help build THEIR new jobs

Now, let us not complicate this. The workplace must change to take advantage of the new ways of working, and leverage the skills of this differently, but hugely talented generation. Gen Z and Gen Alpha will be the biggest generations in history, forming not only our biggest source of skills and talent, but also our largest consumer base.,the%20largest%20generation%20in%20history.

Gen Z, and particularly Gen Alpha are hugely diverse; both in demographics, as well as mindset. We must tailor make the workplace to their needs, and what brings out the best in them. Also, don’t forget that as our biggest consumers and influencers, if we don’t have them as allies in the production process, they can boycott and cancel us as manufacturers, employers, and brands. Understand this demographic, at all costs.

Befriend A.I.

Robot and his mentor

This one too really is simple. We need to overcome this rampant fear we have of A.I. Yes…put the guard rails in place, so that it doesn’t have deleterious effects to (wo)man and society. But extract from it that which can benefit you. There are a broad range of features of A.I., so learn and understand those that can give you an advantage, and use them. As the saying goes, ‘adapt or die!’.

Evolving economies – (Wo)Man Up!

Facing fears_new jobs

A changing world is inevitable. We can run away from it, or we can face up to it and learn to manage it. All the signs are there that the future economy is going to be tougher, much less forgiving, and require a nimbler approach with less deadweight. You can either run away from it, and delay the battle to another day; or you can jump on its back, and learn to control it.

Organisations need to plan and re-engineer themselves now. I know it sounds like a cliché, but now is the time to future proof your business – you have no choice. If you wait for the crisis to hit you, it will be too late. Be that organisation that the best people want to work for, and that can get the best out of all their resources; both human and otherwise. Make the new jobs, skills and talent want to come to you, and not just chase your tail!

For strategic advisory that will leverage uncommon sense and drive your bottom line, get in touch with us on [email protected].

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